Toxicologist: Corexit Causes Organ Damage, Bleeding With Shrimpers

10 07 2010

Marine Toxicologist Susan Shaw explains the effects of Corexit on Shrimpers.

I’m not going to explain the findings or make any comments. The video and story speak for themselves. Please share this with your friends and family. Get the word out to as many people as possible about what is really happening in the Gulf Of Mexico.



One response

13 07 2010

The toxicity of corexit was never an unknown to the government and industry at large and criminal charges must apply to all who allowed this poisons usage in the Gulf of Mexico. The environmental damage over the next decades will be immeasurable until independent studies take place without industry and government interference from accredited scientists with no political agenda but the truth.

Workers on this disaster from the beginning should have been in hazmat protective equipment and told in unmistakeable clear terms as to the dangers of exposure and the ramifications to their health if they ignored safety precautions. As we all know, none of this was done and these people, some of them with high exposure limits have been sentenced to death from negligent safety practises of BP and the United States government.

OSHA is there to ensure that all safety precautions are taken and the protection of human life is first considered, people with little or no understanding of safe work practises in oil and gas should never be allowed to work on an environmental disaster without first being made aware of the severity of exposure and the dangers.

This is standard practice in the oil and gas industry and specialised training is needed to respond effectively and safely to environmental catastrophes such as this. The negligence of BP and OSHA in failing to warn and protect these people is unconscionable and illegal.

What we need to ask ourselves is how can we believe that they have any interest in protecting the Gulf and the states affected if they are willing to kill people whose only crime was to save their way of life?