Former Energy Secretary Says Massive Leak Still Exists

15 07 2010

Matthew Simmons is the former Energy Secretary for the George W. Bush Whitehouse. He has made claims for the last six weeks that there is an open hole gushing 120,000 barrels of oil per day seven miles away from the Deepwater Horizon site.

NOAA Is Hoarding Key Data

13 07 2010

NOAA research vessel Thomas Jefferson

This story comes courtesy of The Huffington Post and Dan Froomkin.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is hoarding vast amounts of raw data that independent marine researchers say could help both the public and scientists better understand the extent of the damage being caused by the massive BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Fidel Castro Discusses A Coming Nuclear War

12 07 2010

On Monday night Fidel Castro took to the airwaves for the first time in eleven months. Is he just another crazy dictator trying to gain publicity? Does his accusations actually deserve some merit?

Toxicologist: Corexit Causes Organ Damage, Bleeding With Shrimpers

10 07 2010

Marine Toxicologist Susan Shaw explains the effects of Corexit on Shrimpers.

I’m not going to explain the findings or make any comments. The video and story speak for themselves. Please share this with your friends and family. Get the word out to as many people as possible about what is really happening in the Gulf Of Mexico.

Florida Cable Co. Blocks Local News Access To BP Spill

9 07 2010

Florida cable company Mediacom is blocking local and national news of the BP oil spill. If we don’t have a free media what the hell do we have left? The Gestapo is now blocking our media access. We know about the camera confiscations on our beaches, the police kicking people off of public land and now we have this. This fiasco is a lot more grave then what we are being told. There is a reason key scientific data is not being released. The powers that be do not want to start a panic. The methane levels with other toxic gases are off the charts according to independent scientists. There will be a lot more to come. I am working on a report and will have it up in the next week.

There’s Nothing To See Here

8 07 2010

This story comes courtesy of The Huffington Post and

By Riki Ott

When Ryan Heffernan, a volunteer with Emerald Coastkeeper, noticed a bag of oily debris floating off in Santa Rosa Sound, she ran up to BP’s HazMat-trained workers to ask if they would retrieve it.

“No, ma’am,” one replied politely. “We can’t go in the ocean. It’s contaminated.”

Story continued at The Huffington Post.

La. Law Enforcement Has Become BP’s Police Force

6 07 2010

This story comes courtesy of and Mac McClelland.

By Mac McClelland

Everyone knows by now that BP is still blocking press access to oil-spill sites even though they’re not supposed to anymore. I’ve been blathering about it for weeks, and it’s been all of three days since four contractors wouldn’t let me through the Pointe Aux Chenes marina outside Montegut, Louisiana.

Story continued at

The Coast Guard Is Spraying Corexit

6 07 2010

Coast Guard Bans Journalists For BP

5 07 2010

What kind of country do we live in, when journalist can not cover a story because they don’t have access to public lands and waterways? Our First Amendment rights are being stripped from us and no one seems to care. If American Idol were banned people would speak out and be marching in the streets. The reason this Coast Guard ban is happening is because the citizens of the United States Of America allow it to happen.

There are millions of people waking up to the realities of our governments corruption and corporate controlled media. Millions more need to wake up and start to question the roles of our leaders. If enough people oppose injustices in the world, fewer injustices will occur in the future.

Rules and regulations like these are just adding more fuel to the fire. Please help stop media censorship. We have a right to know what happens on America’s lands and seas.

The Coverup: BP Covering Oil Soaked Beaches With Sand

2 07 2010

Fox News finds a major story about BP importing sand to oil covered beaches. When you think you have found an example of good journalism, Fox News spins the story to discredit a non-profit organization trying to report the truth. Here is our main stream media at its sickening heights. Please support alternative news sites and citizen blogs. Stop supporting a mainstream media that is driven by corporate and government spin.