Are Dead Zones Forming From High Methane Levels?

1 07 2010

Scientist claim dead zones are forming in the Gulf Of Mexico.

Written by WAM

No one knows the magnitude and depth of the amount of toxins being released into the atmosphere. Scientists are now getting a relevant amount of information about the ecological effects of the gulf disaster. The NOAA is collecting and releasing data from the Gulf Of Mexico. The one piece of data not being released is the amount of Methane gas being released into the atmosphere.

University of Georgia Marine Scientist Samantha Joye, speculates by her calculations the amount of gas building in the atmosphere “is startingly high”. She has studied the effects of the spill at depth, said the ruptured well was producing up to 50% as much methane and other gases as oil. Scientists are estimating that Methane gas levels are 100,000 times normal levels. Levels that are this large will deplete oxygen to a point where water is uninhabitable by marine life.

When water becomes uninhabitable marine life move to areas that can sustain life. Independent scientist, are pushing a large dead zone theory. The London Guardian reports that abnormal marine life migrations are taking place off the coast of Alabama. This particular area has not shown these types of migrations in the past.

Larry Crowder a Marine Biologist at Duke University says, “The animals are already voting with their fins to get away from where the oil spill is and where potentially there is oxygen depletion”. “When you begin to see animals changing their distribution that is telling you about the quality of water further offshore. Basically, the fish are moving closer to shore to try to get to better water.”

John Keesler an oceanographer  at Texas A&M University returned from a 10-day research voyage in the Gulf  last week. He recorded “astonishingly high” methane levels in surface and deep water within a five-mile radius of the ruptured well. His team also recorded 30% depletion of oxygen in some locations.

Who should we believe? The NOAA along with researchers employed by BP or independent marine scientist who have no political stake in the situation? Only time will tell if the evidence shows an ecological disaster that modern man couldn’t possibly dream of or a giant over reaction by the scientific community. Everyone should demand 100% of all data collected from the Gulf Of Mexico be released to the public.